How Good Is Fire Surge For Killing Monsters In OSRS?
As you know, here at, we are huge fans of Old School Runescape and as well as enjoying helping you guys buy OS Runescape Gold we also love to talk about interesting things we find out about Runescape. While browsing we recently came across a YouTuber called, Seerz who had asked the question is Fire Surge the best way to PvM? It certainly made us think so we took a closer look.
To start with many people are saying that Surge Spells are the way to go when it comes to taking down monsters, including bosses. The one we are talking about is Fire Surge. In case you did not know, Fire Surge does require 95 Magic and for each cast, you will need 10 Fire Runes, 7 Air Runes, and 1 Wrath Rune so it is not the cheapest spell.
Apparently, this attack has a max damage of 24, but if you want the video that Seerz has uploaded and followed his set up, you can actually be doing as much as 49 damage! It is almost overpowered with how much damage it is dishing out. It seems like it can make very light work of minions and also come in very handy for the more difficult bosses.
We can see there being a ton of videos in the coming week with people testing out the different Surge’s if word gets out at just how powerful these are, perhaps Jagex will nerf them a little bit, but we hope they do not.
Let us know what you think about using Fire Surge. Also be sure to ask any questions if you are looking to buy osrs 07 gold.