OSRS Players Upset With Jagex
While many of you come here to get the best deals on OSRS Gold we know that many of you like to see our thoughts on what is going on in the world of Runescape. There has been a bit of drama recently over on the Old School Runescape forums. Now it is worth mentioning that most people think that Jagex is great and have no issues, but with the recent Halloween update, there have been some changes made in the game that has caused a little tension.
Basically, an OSRS player got banned for defeating Cerberus without taking any damage. The moderator thought that there was something going on and that this defeated the purpose of Iron Man and as a result when all was said and done the player was banned. Many people will take advantage of game mechanics to get around tough enemies and they do not get banned.
The player in question did get there permanent ban lifted by Jagex. But many people on the OSRS Reddit are asking why did this player get banned when lots of other players do the same thing and do not get banned? To be honest we think that it is the inconsistency with the bans that are angering players. But is a player exploiting something that is wrong with the game on them or is it on Jagex? Should Jagex just fix the exploit to stop other players taking advantage of it and leave it at that? Or are they right to go after people who are taking advantage of exploits, glitches, and issues with the game?
Let us know in the comments section below if you think that sometimes Jagex overreact with the way they ban people.