OSRS Rune Mysteries Quest Guide
Hey guys as well as offering you a safe place to buy OSRS Gold online. Today we are sharing with you this handy little quest guide for the Old School Runescape Rune Mysteries quest.
1: To start the quest you need to talk to Duke Horico who is on the second floor of Lumbridge castle.
2: You will be asked to go to the basement of the Wizards Tower and give the head wizard an Air Talisman.
3: In the basement of the Wizard Tower speak to Sedridor who is the head wizard.
4: Sedridor is impressed with the Air Talisman and wants you to go to Varrock to give a package to his friend, Aubury.
5: Aubury has a magic shop in Varrock. It can be found to the south of the Varrock East Bank.
6: Once she gets the package, Aubury will ask you to take notes back to Sedridor, doing so completes the quest!
Rewards: For completing the quest you will be given, 1 quest point, Runecrafting Skill, and an Air Talisman.
Once you have beaten the quest, Sedridor and Aubury will be able to teleport your character to the Rune/Pure essence mine. As well as this other wizards, Cromperty, Distentor, and Brimstail will also teleport you to the Rune/Pure essence mine.
Rune Mysteries is not the most exciting quest in the world, but it is a nice and easy quest that takes no time at all and is something even a new player to the game will be able to do. So if you have just a little bit of time to spare, this is the kind of quest that is perfect for you to do.